Mold Growth: An FAQ
10/26/2021 (Permalink)

Mold Growth: Frequently Asked Questions
Mold may be disgusting and a danger to your home, but do you truly understand what mold is? Let’s take a look at a few frequently asked questions about mold, and what you can do to prevent its outbreak in your Wallingford, WA home.
What Is Mold?
Mold is a fungus that can take root in your home and proliferate, causing unsightly stains and aggravating allergies. Once mold sinks in deep it can be hard to get rid of.
What Causes Mold to Grow?
Mold growth is primarily caused by excess moisture in your home environment. You can frequently find it in places of your home that have suffered water damage. Factors that contribute to mold growth include:
- High humidity environments
- Water damage from flooding or leaking
- Broken and damaged pipes
- Condensation from malfunctioning appliances
Is Mold Different from Mildew?
While both mold and mildew are fungal growths, they’re not the same thing. You can generally tell them apart by texture; where mildew tends to be soft and powdery and will flake off to the touch, mold tends to be a fuzzier growth with a thicker texture.
How Can I Get Rid of Mold?
Mold remediation is a complex process that begins with eliminating the source of the mold. This means identifying where your water damage is coming from and repairing your leaking roof or broken appliance, or using a dehumidifier to remove moisture from the air. Cleanup can require disposing of mold-infested items and scrubbing others with baking soda and vinegar or harsher chemical solutions.
Once the Mold Is Gone, Will It Come Back?
It can. Mold is never wholly gone; it just goes dormant as invisible spores in your environment. If mold finds a combination of organic matter and moisture to feed on, then it can take root again and begin to grow. It’s best to remain vigilant and continuously seek to eradicate mold sources from your environment.